Searching for Events
Verkada Helix Events can be searched from the Alert Inbox page in Command, under the Helix Events section. This is where users will find a full list of all Helix Event Types that have been created in their Command organization. Users can click into specific Event Types to only show events linked to that unique application.
Applying Filters
Additionally, users can apply dynamic filters based on the attributes that have been associated to their Helix Events. If using numeric values (float or integer), users can filter their attributes using exact value matching such “Price” = 100. Users can also perform searches based on inequalities such as “Price” > 100. These tools allow users to quickly and efficiently audit their Helix Events to pinpoint specific events and flag those that may be of interest. Below is an example pulled from Helix Events generated from our Verkada HQ retail store that is tracking purchased items, price, discount, and many more attributes.

Archiving Events
Users can easily archive video footage associated to Helix Events by clicking on the Archive button in the top right corner of the video player. All Helix archives will include the associated metadata that is linked to the unique event. This is especially useful for events that may need to be shared externally or saved indefinitely as part of a larger review or investigation.