Access Levels Guide


The Access Levels API allows customers create new access levels and retrieve, alter, and delete existing access levels.

This API is great for integrating Verkada with third-party applications that need to control group access to doors.

API Endpoints

Using the Access Levels API

Getting Started

Refer to the Quick Start Guide for instructions on generating a Verkada API key and making your first API requests.

For the Access Levels API you must use an API key that has permissions for the Door Access Management Endpoints with the specific sites you would like to edit selected.

Example Use Cases

Integrating Third-Party People Management Software

Integrate your user access from a third party software with Verkada Access Control to automatically dictate which groups of users have access to which doors at certain times. For example, a school may have a student management system that contains class assignments and schedules for each student every semester. Using the Access Levels API, this school can automatically create access levels giving each student proper access to their classroom buildings based on their schedules.

Example integration steps for this use case:

  • Step 1: Determine Users and Schedules from Third Party System: Get information from your third party people management software about which users you would like to give access to doors at what times.
  • Step 2: Add Users with Same Door Access to a Group: For users that you would like to have the same door access at the same time, add them to a group using the Create Access Group and Add User to Access Group APIs. In the school example above, this could mean adding all the users in the same class to the same group.
  • Step 3: Give Groups Access to Doors: Give the groups created in Step 2 access to the appropriate doors at the appropriate times using the Create Access Level API.
  • Step 4: Make Modifications to Access Levels: As requirements in the third party software change, add, update, or delete access levels using the Access Levels API to change groups' access.