Door Information Object

This Object is returned in a list when getting all Doors.

nameStringThe name of the door.
door_idString(Unique)The unique ID of the door.
siteSite Information ObjectThe site that the door belongs to.
acu_nameStringThe name of the ACU to which the door is attached.
acu_idString(Unique)The ID of the ACU to which the door is attached.

Door Information Object

  "acu_name" : STR,
  "acu_id" : STR(UNIQUE),
  "name" : STR,
  "door_id" : STR(UNIQUE),
  "site" : Access Site Information


	"acu_id": "0d1389c9-8947-4c05-82a2-7772bbe261fd",
	"acu_name": "Side Entry ACU",
	"door_id": "72592e74-8763-4917-8c21-f60dd9fc071f",
	"name": "Side Entry",
	"site": {
	    "name": "Interior",
	    "site_id": "0aa3237c-fec0-4560-bacc-f9a3a3d164cc"