Access Information Object

user_idString (Unique)The unique identifier of the user managed by Verkada.
external_idString (Unique)A unique identifier managed externally provided by the customer.
start_dateStringThe start time value of the time range controlling when a users credentials are active. Formatted as a Unix timestamp in seconds. Default is Null.
end_dateStringThe end time value of the time range controlling when a users credentials are active. Formatted as a Unix timestamp in seconds. Default is Null.
ble_unlockBoolThe permission state of a user’s ability to perform a Bluetooth Unlock. Format is a boolean ‘True’ or ‘False’. Default is ‘False’.
remote_unlockBoolThe permission state of a user’s ability to perform a Remote Unlock. Format is a boolean ‘True’ or ‘False’. Default is ‘False’.
entry_codeString (Unique)The access entry code used for keypad readers alone or in 2FA mode. Formatted as a string of digits between 4 and 16 in length. Must be unique within the organization.
access_groupsLIST[Access Group Metadata Object]The List of Access Group Metadata Objects a user belongs to.
cardsLIST[Access Card Object]List of Access Card Objects that belong to a user.
license_platesLIST[License Plate Object]List of License Plate Objects that belong to a user.

Sample Access Information Object

{ "access_groups": [ { "group_id": "2f2e7acf-c744-403f-b0f8-2961dd4c5a8b", "name": "Employee" } ], "ble_unlock": false, "cards": [ { "active": false, "card_id": "00110011000000000000000100", "card_number": "1", "card_number_base36": null, "card_number_hex": null, "facility_code": "102", "type": "HID" } ], "end_date": "1714706273", "entry_code": "1234", "external_id": null, "remote_unlock": true, "start_date": null, "user_id": "98bc434b-32a6-47e2-a690-92643491134b" }