Get Alerts

Returns alerts for an organization within a specified time range.

Alert types include camera offline, camera online, tamper, motion, crowd, and Person of Interest alerts.

Motion alerts include whether people and/or vehicles were detected.

Crowd alerts include the threshold set for the camera that detected the crowd and whether people or vehicles were detected.

Person of Interest alerts include the label set for the person.

The GET Alerts API endpoint can be used to automatically retrieve camera alerts that are generated within your Command organization. This allows users to integrate their Command alerts into any 3rd party centralized system that may be used to monitor various systems on a single platform. Through this endpoint, users are also able to create additional logic paths to their notification processes through scripting.

Alert types include:

  • Camera offline
  • Camera online
  • Tamper
  • Motion - includes whether people and/or vehicles were detected.
  • Crowd - includes the camera crowd threshold and whether people and/or vehicles were detected.
  • Person of Interest - includes the label set for the person.

The default time range is an hour from the current time. That said, users can add a start_time and end_time to their GET Alerts request if they are focused on getting alerts for a broader or more specific time range. If the number of alerts returned exceeds the page_size (default of 100 returned items, maximum can be set to 200), then the results will be paginated (see Pagination).

This API endpoint was also built to allow users to retrieve image URLs which are tied to each specific event that was generated. Although the default parameter flag for this functionality if false by default, users can retrieve the image URL by changing the flag to true.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!